countif with criteria



Was trying to get countif to work with criteria but no luck. What I
want to do is get the number of rows that have 3 certain values. i.e.
the values in b3, e2, d2 to all match then count that line.

=COUNTIF('raw stats'!$A$1:$A$500,('raw stats'!$C$1:$C$500=B3)+('raw
stats'!$A$1:$A$500=E2)+('raw stats'!$B$1:$B$500=D2))

Dave R.

Frank, your question has been answered already (use sumproduct). Please
study the suggestions already given before asking the question again; and if
you are going to ask for clarification, ask it in the same thread.


Thanks, I tried sumproduct as I though too that would work but it
didn't. I must have done something wrong then

=COUNTIF('raw stats'!$A$1:$A$500,SUMPRODUCT(('raw
stats'!$C$1:$C$500=B3)*('raw stats'!$A$1:$A$500=E2)*('raw

Dave R.

Refer back to other thread..

Thanks, I tried sumproduct as I though too that would work but it didn't. I must have done something wrong then

=COUNTIF('raw stats'!$A$1:$A$500,SUMPRODUCT(('raw stats'!$C$1:$C$500=B3)*('raw stats'!$A$1:$A$500=E2)*('raw stats'!$B$1:$B$500=D2)))

Dave R. wrote:

Frank, your question has been answered already (use sumproduct). Please
study the suggestions already given before asking the question again; and if
you are going to ask for clarification, ask it in the same thread.

Was trying to get countif to work with criteria but no luck. What I
want to do is get the number of rows that have 3 certain values. i.e.
the values in b3, e2, d2 to all match then count that line.

=COUNTIF('raw stats'!$A$1:$A$500,('raw stats'!$C$1:$C$500=B3)+('raw
stats'!$A$1:$A$500=E2)+('raw stats'!$B$1:$B$500=D2))

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