Most of my programming experience has come from the VBE and the various
newsgroups, now I'm stuck.
I have a sheet with info in cells from a1 to n387. Daily, another 387 items
will be added, ie O1:O387, P1
387, etc. I need to determine the number of
items on each row that are equal to or greater than 0 and then take this
number and divide by the total number of items in the row which would then
give me the %ge of results that are not negative. My idea was that in d4 and
c4 I could put a formula which could then be filled down to work for the
rest of the rows.
I managed [d4]
[d4].Formula = "=Counta(" & [l4].Address & ":" & [iv4].End(xlToLeft).Address
& ")"
but I'm stuck on [c4] where I'm trying for something on the lines of:
[c4].Formula = "=Countif([l4]:[iv4].End(xlToLeft))=>0"
but, obviously, this doesn't work. Having searched Google and tried various
combinations of this and others (Application, WorksheetFunction), I'm still
no further on. Can somebody please help.
newsgroups, now I'm stuck.
I have a sheet with info in cells from a1 to n387. Daily, another 387 items
will be added, ie O1:O387, P1
items on each row that are equal to or greater than 0 and then take this
number and divide by the total number of items in the row which would then
give me the %ge of results that are not negative. My idea was that in d4 and
c4 I could put a formula which could then be filled down to work for the
rest of the rows.
I managed [d4]
[d4].Formula = "=Counta(" & [l4].Address & ":" & [iv4].End(xlToLeft).Address
& ")"
but I'm stuck on [c4] where I'm trying for something on the lines of:
[c4].Formula = "=Countif([l4]:[iv4].End(xlToLeft))=>0"
but, obviously, this doesn't work. Having searched Google and tried various
combinations of this and others (Application, WorksheetFunction), I'm still
no further on. Can somebody please help.