


do you know which formula I can use to count in a column certain values
based on criteria of another column?
For example:

Column A Column B
1 External org Start-up meeting
2 Internal org Final meeting
3 External org Final Meeting
4 Internal org Meeting to be organised
5 External org Final meeting

How can I count how many final meetings have been organized by an
external organization?

HAve a nice day -ciao

Peo Sjoblom

You could use sumproduct for this

=SUMPRODUCT((TRIM(A2:A6)="External org")*(TRIM(B2:B6)
="final meeting"))

the trim part is just a security precausion in case there
are some extra spaces involved.. For better usabilty use
a cell where you put in the criteria


where G1 and G2 hold the criteria.. Personally I would
use data>autofilter any day.. Just filter on the 2
columns and use a formula like



Peo Sjoblom

Bruce Girvitz

Try =SUMPRODUCT((A1:A5="External Org")*(B1:B5="Final Meeting"))

Bruce Girvitz

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