

Pieter JVR

I want to calculate the numer of A's, B's, C's ect. from a
given range of marks for students, without having to
calculate the grade from the given mark for each pupil in
a separate column, and then using the countif to summarise
the total numer of A's, B's ect.

i.e A1:A30 = range for marks
A31 = number of A's
A32 = number of B's etc.

Could you perhaps help me?

Frank Kabel

try something like

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

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Thanks for the reply

The problem with countif is that one still has to calculate the approrpiate grade for each mark ( 80+ = A; 70-79 = B ect) in a seperate column (eg column B with the IF-formula) and then use the countif based on the results in column B.

I want to count the number of A's, B's etc. directly from the given range of marks

Surely it must be possible

----- Frank Kabel wrote: ----

try something lik

Frank Kabe
Frankfurt, German

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Die Nachricht konnte nicht übertragen werden, weil sie nicht meh
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Outlook Expres

Frank Kabel

Hi Pieter
then try something like:

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