counting a character



Without using Find/Replace (whether manually or in a macro), is there a
vba way of determining how many times a certain character appears in a


Klaus Linke

Larry said:
Without using Find/Replace (whether manually or in a macro), is there a
vba way of determining how many times a certain character appears in a

Hi Larry,

In Word2000+, I'd either

-- determine the length (Len) of the selected text, use Replace to replace
the character with nothing, and determine the length again.

Dim myString As String
' ... you'd use Selection.Text instead of myString ...
myString = "This is a test with 6 blanks!"
MsgBox Len(myString) - Len(Replace(myString, " ", "")), _
vbInformation, "Number of blanks:"

Or ...
-- use Split on the selected text, with the character as the delimiter. You
get the number of occurrances through the upper bound of the resulting

Dim myString As String
Dim myArray
myString = "This is a test with 6 blanks!"
myArray = Split(myString, " ")
MsgBox UBound(myArray),vbInformation,"Number of blanks:"

Don't know what is faster -- or whether it's worth worrying about ;-)



Oops, I'm a Word 97 user. Maybe it is time for me to upgrade after all,
with all those expanded vba capabilities in the newer versions. But I
hate the thought of it.


Helmut Weber

Hi Larry,
try this:
Sub Test115()
Dim dlgtest As Dialog
Set dlgtest = Dialogs(wdDialogEditReplace)
On Error GoTo Message
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Err.Description reveals, astongishingly enough,
the number of replacements.
And this is the number:
hallo = Err.Description
For I = 1 To Len(hallo)
If IsNumeric(Mid(hallo, I, 1)) Then a = a & Mid(hallo,
I, 1)
Next I (By Andi Mayer)
Msgbox a
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber
"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""


But it's neat to know that in Word 2000 there is this other way besides
Find/Replace of replacing individual characters.

Klaus Linke

Larry said:
Oops, I'm a Word 97 user. Maybe it is time for me to
upgrade after all, with all those expanded vba capabilities
in the newer versions. But I hate the thought of it.



You could use for example

-- loop all characters in myString, and use Mid(myString,i,1) to check if
it's equal to the character you are looking for.

-- or, determine the next occurrance of the character with Instr, until no
more occurrances are found.

In both cases, you could use a counter variable to count how often the
character appears.

I just wrote two such macros, but my stupid machine froze (no, wrong word:
burnt out on account of excessively hot weather) just as I was about to

Perhaps you can try yourself. If you run into problems, post back.


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