Why not just use the 'TOP' predicate regardless??
"Select top 65000 [x] From [y]..."
Note that TOP requires an ORDER BY clause or you'll just get abitary
It's not an issue if less than the specified number of records are
returned, but you will not get any more than you want
Simplistic answer - there are other issues like keeping track of where
you are if you need to import the remainder into another sheet.
Other than that, the recordset will have a RECORDCOUNT property, but not
sure if this accurately reflects the record count just after opening.
Remember DAO where you had to navigate to the lst record before you
could get an an accurate count? I'm sure a quick google should clear
that question up ...
I will be grateful if someone will give me the code to determine
importing data using ADO from say Access toExcel if a recordset is greater
than 65,536 rows. i appreciate this is not an issue with Excel 2007