Counting accummilation of hours??


Simon Lloyd

Hi all,

I have a workbook that currently has a count up sheet for an instanc
of certain text in a named range, it counts when people have bee
booked off work, my problem is that rather than booking days off in th
future they will be booking either an 8 hour day in one period or a 1
our day in another and have a total 0f 128 hours to book off. I want t
be able to count the amount of hours on my count up sheet for text foun
in the source sheet, so if "Bloggs J" appears in named range "Hols" an
is in between cells A1:A20 then its 8 added to the count up but if i
appears in named range "Hols" between cells A20:A30 it adds 12 to th
count up!?

I can mail you my current workbook so you can see how it all works a
the moment.

Any thoughts?


P.S i currently use =COUNTIF(Hols,"Bloggs J"

Aaron Howe

A quick way of doing it would be:

=IF(COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs
J")+8,IF(COUNTIF(Hols2,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J")+12,0))

Thereby using a nested IF statement. However, bear in mind that ADDS 8 to
the count, so where J Bloggs appears in Hols1 (Cells 1 to 20), you will have
that one count *and* an additional 8 - therefore a count of 9 overall. Also,
to do this you would have to split the two ranges into different names. This
was just a quick resolution, I'm sure one of the guys here will have a far
more graceful way of achieving what you are looking for.


Simon Lloyd

Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the speedy reply,

I tried your solution but it gave me this error in the cell #NAME?
tried modifying it to no i missing something?


Aaron Howe

Make sure you named your ranges in line with the formula; or if you're using
different names change the formula accordingly ;) Also, make sure the line
breaks this website adds to the text are removed as that sometimes trips me

Simon Lloyd

Sorted the only counting by one, but can not get it to also add on th
12hr periods in the second named range!

Can anyone sort this muddle out please?


=IF(COUNTIF(Hols1,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols1,"Blogg
J")*8,AND(COUNTIF(Hols2,"Bloggs J"),COUNTIF(Hols2,"Bloggs J")*12,0)

Aaron Howe

Ahh sorry didn't realise both 8hrs and 12hrs were an option, that obviously
makes it easier! Thought it was one or the other ;)

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