Counting all items in a report



I have a Kit Parts inventory. For each Activity there are certain parts
needed for the kit. I will choose different kits to be included in a report.
So a report may include Kit 1 with the individual parts needed for that kit;
Kit 2 with the individual parts needed for Kit 2; Kit 3...etc. I will select
several Kits to be included in a report. I need a way to have the report
give me a count of all the individual parts needed to build all those
different kits. Does anyone have any ideas?



Is this a Grouped report or are the items for each kit in a

Have an awesome day

Warm Regards,

MVP Microsoft Access

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at


Right now I have one report with the kits listed and I just need a way to
count all the different items in the kits. So if Kit 1 had items 1, 2, 3 and
6 and Kit 2 had items 2, 3, 11, and 22.... then the report would tell me Item
1 =1; Item 2=2; Item 3=2; Item 6=1; Item 11=1 and Item 22=1... etc. This has
all been tallied by hand in the past and I'm trying to make it easier. I am
definitely open to ideas if you think there is a better way to set this up.
The report just pulls off of Kit Order Query. So each time I set up an Order
of certain Kits, the report will tell me how many of each of the different
Parts I need to make up those Kits in that particular Order.

Thanks for your time!



Hi Kass,

you can put the following calculated control on the report


if you put this in the Kit section header or footer, it will
tally the number of items needed for the kit

if you put it in the report header or report footer, it will
tally all items needed for all kits

.... but this is not exactly what you want ...

in order to get a count for how many of item 1 is needed,
how many of item2 is needed, etc, you can make a subreport
that will print in the Order header/footer and/or in the
report header/footer (put the subreport in twice for it to
appear in 2 places)

The RecordSource of the subreport would be grouped by
OrderID and then by item. It would COUNT ItemID. For the
subreport in the Order header/footer, specify OrderID for
LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields and make sure that it
is on both the main and subreports.

Are you using criteria to generate the report? If so, how
are you applying it?

If you need more help, please post the SQL for the report

Have an awesome day

Warm Regards,

MVP Microsoft Access

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at

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