I have a Kit Parts inventory. For each Activity there are certain parts
needed for the kit. I will choose different kits to be included in a report.
So a report may include Kit 1 with the individual parts needed for that kit;
Kit 2 with the individual parts needed for Kit 2; Kit 3...etc. I will select
several Kits to be included in a report. I need a way to have the report
give me a count of all the individual parts needed to build all those
different kits. Does anyone have any ideas?
needed for the kit. I will choose different kits to be included in a report.
So a report may include Kit 1 with the individual parts needed for that kit;
Kit 2 with the individual parts needed for Kit 2; Kit 3...etc. I will select
several Kits to be included in a report. I need a way to have the report
give me a count of all the individual parts needed to build all those
different kits. Does anyone have any ideas?