counting cells (COUNTIF) based on two or more criteria


Tricia S.

Iam using Excel 2003 and I am trying to count a row based on two criteria.
For example: I am trying to count all those rows where cell B has a value of
"1" AND cell F has a value of "Completed".
The COUNTIF() function appears to only accept one group of parameters.
Using the COUNTIF() function twice in the cell with the + operator between
them appears to add those that qualify for each criteria and the "&" appears
to be giving me results I have yet to figure out.

I am trying to build a summary table like below based on a worksheet with
many detail records (rows) in another worksheet in the same workbook:
Status Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 .... Level 10
Open 10 13 1 24
Started 9 7 3 18
Completed 5 9 12 11


Try this...


You can continue adding as many extra conditions as you like.
Hope this helps!

Bob Phillips




(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Tricia S.

Frank Kabel's reply to another post (use sUMPRODUCT. See:
) helped. However, in order for it to work for me, I had to make sure the
first column I was evaluating did not contain numeric data. Example:

Column A quality fruit color
AA 1 apple red
AA 1 orange green
BB 1 apple yellow
BB 2 pear green

I needed to know how many Quality 1 red apples there were. The quality
column test cannot be first in the SUM(IF(....) functions. The parameters
needed to fall in the order of Color, fruit, quality OR fruit, color,
quality, but quality could not be the first test performed (with or without
quotes around the "1").

If someone knows a way around that, I'd love to entertain the suggestions.
But for now, I have my answer. Thank you, Tricia

Tricia S.

Thank you. A reply to another post lead me down the SUM(IF()) nested
functions which is working, but the SUMPRODUCT is much easier to read and
maintain than nested SUM(IF()). I'd like to change over to the SUMPRODUCT
function, however, I am unable to count where column B is empty (a value has
not yet been assigned to that row/column), but the other columns for that row
have values. I want to make sure not to count the blank rows at the bottom
of the spreadsheet.

Bob Phillips


Surely if B is empty it fails the B1:B100=1 test. If you do want to ignore
blanks, just add that as a condition


Glad you like the SUMPRODUCT web page :)



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Tricia S.

It does fail, but I need to capture it in a count of all those that have
nothing in column B, but have a value in column F, among other criteria
(which I'm not having problems with <yet>). The two below do not work (or
I'm doing something wrong)

I should get a result of 1 (but it's returning 0)



Bob Phillips


There is nothing wrong with the formula, I entered AA in A1, Completed in
F1, and I got a 1.

Does your AA or Completed have any trailing spaces?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Tricia S.

No, no trailing spaces. And now that I've entered the formula into a new
spreadsheet it's working as expected. Odd. There must have been something
strange with the data in the previous spreadsheet.

It's all working now, and I very much appreciate your help! Have a nice day.


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