I have an excel spreadsheet #1 with column A listing books checked out by
title, column B is the unique barcode # of that book, column C is the
patron's ID # who checked out that barcode #. There could be as many as 800
entries of the same title in column A because each row is another book
checked out to another patron.
On sheet # 2, I want to count the # of books out for each title, so I have
used Column A for the major titles I want a percise count for(using copy and
paste from column A of sheet 1 to get the information EXACT) and in column B
of sheet 2, I used "=COUNTIF('sheet1'!A:A,A2)" and did a fill down for all
the titles. That counts all the occurances for each of those titles. Now I
want to count the rest in a combined total, but not include the ones I have
already listed and counted. How can I do that. I want to count all occurances
not already listed.
title, column B is the unique barcode # of that book, column C is the
patron's ID # who checked out that barcode #. There could be as many as 800
entries of the same title in column A because each row is another book
checked out to another patron.
On sheet # 2, I want to count the # of books out for each title, so I have
used Column A for the major titles I want a percise count for(using copy and
paste from column A of sheet 1 to get the information EXACT) and in column B
of sheet 2, I used "=COUNTIF('sheet1'!A:A,A2)" and did a fill down for all
the titles. That counts all the occurances for each of those titles. Now I
want to count the rest in a combined total, but not include the ones I have
already listed and counted. How can I do that. I want to count all occurances
not already listed.