Counting dates by week


Ernie Sersen

I created a table to enter milestone dates achieved for my project that has
lasted about one year. There are 3 columns: Design_complete,
Assembly_complete and Test_Complete. For metrics, I need to create an
access report by week that tells how many of the above dates occured in each
week. The row headings will contain week ending dates (Week-Ending is
Saturday; Week-Beginning is Sunday). The 3 column headings will have the
above date descriptions. The report will summarize the number of dates that
occurred for each week-ending period. I also need to be able to
chart/graph the above results. Can someone advise as to the best way to
setup this report? THANKS!

Gary Walter

Ernie Sersen said:
I created a table to enter milestone dates achieved for my project that has
lasted about one year. There are 3 columns: Design_complete,
Assembly_complete and Test_Complete. For metrics, I need to create an
access report by week that tells how many of the above dates occured in
week. The row headings will contain week ending dates (Week-Ending is
Saturday; Week-Beginning is Sunday). The 3 column headings will have the
above date descriptions. The report will summarize the number of dates
occurred for each week-ending period. I also need to be able to
chart/graph the above results. Can someone advise as to the best way
setup this report? THANKS!
Hi Ernie,

I have many reports that require
"enumerating weeks over the data."

There may be other (and maybe better) ways,
but most of those reports are based on a query
in the "form" as below:

Format([ReportReceivedDate],'ww') AS TermWeek,
Sum(Abs([Progress]>1)) AS TermWeekProgressGT1,
Min(tblCourses.ReportReceivedDate) AS MinDateRcvd,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-1) AS SundayOfWeek,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-7) AS SaturdayOfWeek
FROM tblCourses
WHERE (((tblCourses.ReportReceivedDate) Is Not Null))
GROUP BY tblCourses.Term, Format([ReportReceivedDate],'ww')

So... it starts out grouping by the week number.

In each group, there may not necessarily be a date
for the Sunday/Saturday of that week.

But if I get a single date within that week ("MinDateRcvd"),
I can reuse it to find the Sunday and Saturday of that week.

In the above, I am then summing the number of reports
within those weeks whose [Progress]>1.

In your case, I believe you are going to need to first use
a Union query to make your data "thin."


SELECT "Design" As Milestone, Design_complete As CompDate
FROM yourtable
SELECT "Assembly", Assembly_complete
FROM yourtable
SELECT "Test", Test_complete
FROM yourtable;

(in the selects of the union query, I did not add where
clauses to weed out Null dates. Maybe counts of those
may be important later. Maybe you cannot even have a record
if Design_complete date is null?)

Anyway, your report query would be based on "qryunMilestones"
similar to the following:

Format([CompDate],'ww') AS CompWeek,
Sum(Abs([Milestone]='Design')) AS DesignCnt,
Sum(Abs([Milestone]='Assembly')) AS AssemblyCnt,
Sum(Abs([Milestone]='Test')) AS TestCnt,
Min(CompDate) AS MinDateRcvd,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-1) AS SundayOfWeek,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-7) AS SaturdayOfWeek
FROM qryunMilestones
GROUP BY Format([CompDate],'ww');

In my reports, I usually show the complete interval for
the week, i.e., something like a textbox with source of:

=[SundayOfWeek] & " - " [SaturdayOfWeek]

That may be one way.....

As for graphing the results, I do that so little,
I usually start by importing a graph report from another db,
then start making changes to it, like recordsource, etc.

I think I started with

ACC97: Microsoft Access 97 Sample Graphs Available in
Download Center;en-us;q186855

Do a search of your harddrive for


it can be a big help.

Some recommend starting with your graph on
a form first, then copy and paste into a report...
others suggest work in Excel first,
recording macro as you work, then go back and
look at macro code.

Others suggest simply going into report design,
choosing Insert/Chart and going from there.

Graph implementation definitely was not the
Access-designers finest moment (but what they
have done otherwise makes up for it, IMHO).
Maybe its just that other things can work so well,
the graph part stands out as "flakey."

good luck,


Gary Walter

Actually, my data has always been
over "Terms" which are always less
than a year in duration...

In your case, you may need to add
an additional "group by" so you can tell
week1 in one year from week1 in another year.

Ernie Sersen said:
I created a table to enter milestone dates achieved for my project that
lasted about one year. There are 3 columns: Design_complete,
Assembly_complete and Test_Complete. For metrics, I need to create an
access report by week that tells how many of the above dates occured in
week. The row headings will contain week ending dates (Week-Ending is
Saturday; Week-Beginning is Sunday). The 3 column headings will have the
above date descriptions. The report will summarize the number of dates
occurred for each week-ending period. I also need to be able to
chart/graph the above results. Can someone advise as to the best way
setup this report? THANKS!
Hi Ernie,

I have many reports that require
"enumerating weeks over the data."

There may be other (and maybe better) ways,
but most of those reports are based on a query
in the "form" as below:

Format([ReportReceivedDate],'ww') AS TermWeek,
Sum(Abs([Progress]>1)) AS TermWeekProgressGT1,
Min(tblCourses.ReportReceivedDate) AS MinDateRcvd,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-1) AS SundayOfWeek,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-7) AS SaturdayOfWeek
FROM tblCourses
WHERE (((tblCourses.ReportReceivedDate) Is Not Null))
GROUP BY tblCourses.Term, Format([ReportReceivedDate],'ww')

So... it starts out grouping by the week number.

In each group, there may not necessarily be a date
for the Sunday/Saturday of that week.

But if I get a single date within that week ("MinDateRcvd"),
I can reuse it to find the Sunday and Saturday of that week.

In the above, I am then summing the number of reports
within those weeks whose [Progress]>1.

In your case, I believe you are going to need to first use
a Union query to make your data "thin."


SELECT "Design" As Milestone, Design_complete As CompDate
FROM yourtable
SELECT "Assembly", Assembly_complete
FROM yourtable
SELECT "Test", Test_complete
FROM yourtable;

(in the selects of the union query, I did not add where
clauses to weed out Null dates. Maybe counts of those
may be important later. Maybe you cannot even have a record
if Design_complete date is null?)

Anyway, your report query would be based on "qryunMilestones"
similar to the following:

Format([CompDate],'ww') AS CompWeek,
Sum(Abs([Milestone]='Design')) AS DesignCnt,
Sum(Abs([Milestone]='Assembly')) AS AssemblyCnt,
Sum(Abs([Milestone]='Test')) AS TestCnt,
Min(CompDate) AS MinDateRcvd,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-1) AS SundayOfWeek,
DateValue(MinDateRcvd)-(Weekday(MinDateRcvd)-7) AS SaturdayOfWeek
FROM qryunMilestones
GROUP BY Format([CompDate],'ww');

In my reports, I usually show the complete interval for
the week, i.e., something like a textbox with source of:

=[SundayOfWeek] & " - " [SaturdayOfWeek]

That may be one way.....

As for graphing the results, I do that so little,
I usually start by importing a graph report from another db,
then start making changes to it, like recordsource, etc.

I think I started with

ACC97: Microsoft Access 97 Sample Graphs Available in
Download Center;en-us;q186855

Do a search of your harddrive for


it can be a big help.

Some recommend starting with your graph on
a form first, then copy and paste into a report...
others suggest work in Excel first,
recording macro as you work, then go back and
look at macro code.

Others suggest simply going into report design,
choosing Insert/Chart and going from there.

Graph implementation definitely was not the
Access-designers finest moment (but what they
have done otherwise makes up for it, IMHO).
Maybe its just that other things can work so well,
the graph part stands out as "flakey."

good luck,



An easy way to do this type of grouping is to create an Excel Pivot Table
that is based on your Access table (or a query that selects just the data
you need). Excels Pivot table will let you group dates by week, month, qtr,
and year without any programming at all. You can then create Pivot Chart
from the Pivot table. The Excel file can be updated every time it opens or
on demand.


I just remembered, that if you have Access 2003 (and maybe even 2002) you
can create a Pivot Form that will automatically contain Week and Month
groups for each field containing dates.

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