Counting Days between dates



I am using Access 2003

I want to create a billing statement report from a query that will give me
all invoices due by a specific client, and I would like to have fields for
amounts that are 30, 60, 90 days etc....

I am able to do this no problem in Excel, but I would like to generate this
info from Access, as all of my invoice data is stored there...

Thanks for any help


I am using Access 2003

I want to create a billing statement report from a query that will give me
all invoices due by a specific client, and I would like to have fields for
amounts that are 30, 60, 90 days etc....

I am able to do this no problem in Excel, but I would like to generate this
info from Access, as all of my invoice data is stored there...

Thanks for any help

look up Datediff function

Dale Fye

Would be helpful to know what your table structure looks like.

Do you have separte Invoice and Receipts tables? If so, you might start
with a query that looks something like:

SELECT I.ClientID, I.InvoiceNo, First(I.DueDate) as DueDate,
First(I.AmountDue) as AmountDue,
Max(R.DatePaid) as LastPayment, Sum(R.Received) as
FROM tbl_Invoices as I
LEFT JOIN tbl_Receipts as R
ON I.InvoiceNo = R.InvoiceNo
GROUP BY I.ClientID, I.InvoiceNo
HAVING First(I.AmountDue) - Sum(R.Received) > 0

Once you have this query working, you can create a second query to actually
Group the amounts by 30, 60, 90 days. To do this, I would probably create
another table (tbl_Timeperiods) that contains fields for:

StartDiff, EndDiff, and RangeDesc
0 30 On Time
31 60 >30
61 90 >60
90 999 >90

Then you your next query might look something like:

Select Q.ClientID, T.RangeDesc, Sum(Q.AmountDue - Q.TotalReceipts) as Due
FROM Query1 as Q, tbl_TimePeriods as T
WHERE DateDiff("d", Q.DueDate, NZ(Q.LastPayment, Date())
BETWEEN T.StartDiff AND T.EndDiff
Group By Q.ClientID, T.RangeDesc

This method would give results like:

ClientID RangeDesc Due
1 >30 $25
1 >60 $75
1 >90 $100
2 >30 $25
2 >90 $75

This query uses the computed date difference between the due date and either
the last payment date (or the current date if no payments have been made)
and then compares this to the StartDiff and EndDiff values in the table
above to determine which range group it falls in. I prefer this over the
method below because this gives me flexability if I want to change the range
values (all I have to do is change a couple of values in a table as opposed
to having to hard code the ranges in the query below).

You could then take this and create a crosstab query out if it if you need
all the values for a particular client in a single record.
Another way to approach the second query would be:

AS [30 or Less],
Sum(IIf(DateDiff("d",[DueDate],NZ([LastPayment],Date())) Between 31 And
60,[AmountDue]-[TotalReceipts],Null)) AS [>30],
Sum(IIf(DateDiff("d",[DueDate],NZ([LastPayment],Date())) Between 61 And
90,[AmountDue]-[TotalReceipts],Null)) AS [>60],
AS [>90]
FROM qry_Invoice_Receipts AS Q


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