I am going to have a task in about a week where I'll be asked to look at a
spreadsheet full of safety data, and pull from this spreadsheet the list of
departments that deserve safety awards. They earn these awards by having no
lost-time injuries for a period of 30, 60, or 90 consecutive days.
The records that are kept of individual safety events. For Instance:
Joe Smith, Mechanic, Operations Department, 8/14/08, Lost Time Injury
Jane Doe, Administrative Assistant, Facilities Department, 7/12/08, Lost
Time Injury
Bill Smith, Mechanic, Operations Department, 3/16/08, Lost Time Injury.
Does anyone know of a way where a big list of individual incidents could be
queried to show when there are gaps are 30, 60, or 90 days?
spreadsheet full of safety data, and pull from this spreadsheet the list of
departments that deserve safety awards. They earn these awards by having no
lost-time injuries for a period of 30, 60, or 90 consecutive days.
The records that are kept of individual safety events. For Instance:
Joe Smith, Mechanic, Operations Department, 8/14/08, Lost Time Injury
Jane Doe, Administrative Assistant, Facilities Department, 7/12/08, Lost
Time Injury
Bill Smith, Mechanic, Operations Department, 3/16/08, Lost Time Injury.
Does anyone know of a way where a big list of individual incidents could be
queried to show when there are gaps are 30, 60, or 90 days?