Counting Error



I am collecting data on courses (ID's, Course Name, Date
of Course, Attendance Received (Y/N), Evals Received (Y/N)
and I produce a monthly report showing any classes with a
No under Attendance or Evals. At the bottom of the report
I show a count of how many classes are missing
information. =count([course]). Unfortunately, if there
is nothing missing, I get an #error instead of 0. I have
tried everything I can think of. Does anyone know what I
can put in the control source to show 0 instead of #error
if there is nothing outstanding? Right now, I go in and
physically place a 0 in the report.


do a check 2 c if there rn't n e "No"s...If this check is
passed then set the function to return "0" then exit,
otherwise prodeed thru

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