Counting - Groups & Overall - Access 2003 issue?


Patty C

I have an existing Access 2000 db from a Win98SE system.
We just upgraded my PC and when I went to run a couple
reports on my database from the new PC, I noticed my
subtotals (by groups) and overall totals were incorrect.

I've set them up using the text boxes in the detail
section, one set to Over Group, and another set to Over
All. To complicate matters further, each record has a
field [Status]. I have had each group [PR] subtotal for
each [Status] value (0, 1, 2, 3, etc), and again at the
end, the report summarized counts by [Status]. My control
for these is: =iif([Status]=0,1]... for each [Status]
value. This worked, with Running Sum Over Group, and
ended up counting all records of each Status value.

Out of curiosity, I made my count fields in the detail
section visible. They ARE showing/incrementing the
correct value; however, in the [PR] footer and Report
footer where I reference these controls, the number being
displayed is different?!?!


PR 1 has 4 units in Status 1, 1 in Status 2, 2 in Status
5, total of 7 units
PR 2 has 3 units in Status 1, 3 in Status 2, total of 6
PR 3 has 1 unit in Status 1, total of 1 unit
PR 4 has 4 units in Status 1, 7 in Status 2, 1 in Status
7, total of 12 units
PR 7 has 2 units in Status 2, total of 2 units
PR 9 has 3 units in Status 1, total of 3 units
PR 11 has 1 unit in Status 1, 1 in Status 5, total of 2

Opening the same database from the Win98SE/Office 2000 PC,
yields the following for each group [PR] and overall:

PR Status1 Status2 Status5 Status7 Total
1 4 1 2 0 7
2 3 3 0 0 6
3 1 0 0 0 1
4 4 7 0 1 12
7 0 2 0 0 2
9 3 0 0 0 3
11 1 0 1 0 2
All- 16 13 3 1 33

Opening the file from the Win2K/Office 2003 PC, yields the
following for each group [PR] and overall: (*#* indicates

PR Status1 Status2 Status5 Status7 Total
1 *3* 1 2 0 *6*
2 3 3 0 0 6
3 1 0 0 0 1
4 4 7 0 1 12
7 0 *1* 0 0 *1*
9 *1* 0 0 0 *1*
11 1 0 *0* 0 *1*
All- *15* 13 3 1 *32*

I went back & forth between machines, and even used one of
our WinXP/Office XP laptops to access the file. The
counts the report is displaying incorrectly only happens
on the new PC / Office 2003.

Again, looking further at this oddity, I made the txt
boxes visible in the details section and can clearly see
that my =iif([Status]=x,1) is working properly, especially
on PR 9, 11 and the overall totals.

Why would a different value display in the PR footer and
Report footer, than the value obviously in that control
when visible?

I have done a 'compact and repair'... several times
over... with each version/PC...

What else can I do to troubleshoot this oddity? If I
can't trust it on this... how do I prove to our
auditor's, etc that our data is valid?

I'm utterly baffled and exhausted on this one! Thanks to
anyone in advance for even reading this far! I sure hope
you have some ideas!

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