Counting hours and minutes



I have a report on access that gives me a a sum of instructional hours.
This is the formula:


The formatted result comes back as a general number, but I need number
of hours. for example: result of sum is 84.75 instead of 84.45. Showing
that we have 84hours and 45minutes.

Could someone please help me!!!

John Spencer

=Int(Sum(InstructionalTime)) & "." & Format((60 * Sum(InstructionalTime))
Mod 60,"00")

Int(Sum(InstructionalTime)) = just the hours

(60 * Sum(InstructionalTime)) Mod 60 = number of minutes

Combine them and format the minutes so that you get leading zeroes on the
minutes from 0 to 9

Marshall Barton

I have a report on access that gives me a a sum of instructional hours.
This is the formula:


The formatted result comes back as a general number, but I need number
of hours. for example: result of sum is 84.75 instead of 84.45. Showing
that we have 84hours and 45minutes.

Use the expression:

=Format(Sum([InstructionalTime]),"0") &
Format((X-Int(Sum([InstructionalTime]))) * 60, "\:00")

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