Counting if settings are "Final", or "Draft"


Art MacNeil

Sorry, that looks really bad.

I hope this is better,

ColA Col B Col C
A1 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/01_Sep_03
A2 Draft Doc A
A3 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/02_Sep_10
A4 Draft Doc B
A5 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/03_Sep_17
A6 Draft Doc C
A7 Draft Doc D
A8 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/04_Sep_23
A9 Draft Doc E
A10 Draft Doc F
A11 Final Doc C
A12 Draft Doc G
A13 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/05_Sep_27
A14 Draft Doc H
A15 Final Doc B
A16 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/05_Sep_28
A17 Final Doc A
A18 Draft Doc I
A19 S:/Tax1Volume/Forms_03/07_Sep_30
A20 Final Doc G


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