Counting in Reports



I have a report with following fields.
Repair#, customer#, PblmReported, Item Replaced, Replacemnet Reason

I would like to count the number of Repair#'s where Repair# is repeating
more than one because for the same repiar#, there must be 1- 10 Item
replaced and Replacemnet reason.

That is Report is like
Repiar# Customer#
Item , Replacemnet Reason
Item, Replacemnet Reason
Item, Replacemnet Reason

I uesd the running sum in the header of Repair#. It is working. However, for
each month header it is just continuing the same.That is for the month of
Jan the total is 98, when Feb starts the number is 99. How can I reset it for
each month.

Any help really apprecaite.

Clifford Bass

Hi Lin,

You will need to make the year and month a grouped item also. You did
not list a date or anything as being on your report, but I presume there is a
repair date. You could do something like this in your report's record source

Year_Month: Format$([RepairDate], "yyyymm")

And then use that calculated field as the new grouping.

Clifford Bass

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