Counting spaces




I need some assistance with determining the number of
space characters in a line. I am currently counting the
total number of characters ok but now need to somehow
identify the number of spaces (or tabs) before the first
significant character in a line. I count total characters
by using the ConvertToTable method on the entire document,
then iterate throught the rows checking the number of
characters in a line. Please see the following snippet of
code for my method. (Assume all variables and objects
correctly defined)
Set mysel = .Selection
mysel.ConvertToTable Separator:=wdSeparateByParagraphs,
NumColumns:=1, Format:=wdTableFormatNone, etc...(more
parameters here)
linect = 1
Do while linect < totalLines 'calc'd earlier in module
Charcnt = 0
Charcnt = mysel.Rows(linect).Range.Characters.Count
(...some more conditional code here)
linecnt = linecnt + 1

This gives me total character count per line but what I
also need is to identify how many spaces (or tab)
characters precede the first significant character.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Peter Hewett

Hi Chuck

You can use this code:

Public Sub CountLines()
Dim rngWhiteSpace As Word.Range
Dim lngLeadingsSpaces As Long

Set rngWhiteSpace = Selection.Range
rngWhiteSpace.Collapse wdCollapseStart
lngLeadingsSpaces = rngWhiteSpace.MoveWhile(" " & vbTab, wdForward)
Debug.Print lngLeadingsSpaces
End Sub

Public Sub LineByLine()
Dim rngWhiteSpace As Word.Range
Dim boolDone As Boolean
Dim lngCharactersInDoc As Long
Dim lngLeadingsSpaces As Long

' Total character count for the document
lngCharactersInDoc = _

' Iterate the document a line at a time, count leading spaces on each line

' Start by selecting the first line
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
Selection.MoveEnd wdLine
boolDone = EndOfDocument

' Set range to start of the current line
Set rngWhiteSpace = Selection.Range
rngWhiteSpace.Collapse wdCollapseStart

' Count consecutive number of spaces and tabs
lngLeadingsSpaces = rngWhiteSpace.MoveWhile(" " & vbTab, wdForward)
Debug.Print lngLeadingsSpaces

' Select next line
Selection.Move wdLine, 1
Selection.MoveEnd wdLine
Loop Until boolDone
End Sub
Private Function EndOfDocument() As Boolean
EndOfDocument = Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal And Selection.End = _
End Function

I've just stuck in a Debug statement where you can count the leading number of white space
characters in each line, or whatever it is you want to do.

HTH + Cheers - Peter


Thanks Peter --- no problems now mate! g'day
-----Original Message-----
Hi Chuck

You can use this code:

Public Sub CountLines()
Dim rngWhiteSpace As Word.Range
Dim lngLeadingsSpaces As Long

Set rngWhiteSpace = Selection.Range
rngWhiteSpace.Collapse wdCollapseStart
lngLeadingsSpaces = rngWhiteSpace.MoveWhile(" " & vbTab, wdForward)
Debug.Print lngLeadingsSpaces
End Sub

Public Sub LineByLine()
Dim rngWhiteSpace As Word.Range
Dim boolDone As Boolean
Dim lngCharactersInDoc As Long
Dim lngLeadingsSpaces As Long

' Total character count for the document
lngCharactersInDoc = _
ActiveDocument.Content.ComputeStatistics (wdStatisticCharactersWithSpaces)

' Iterate the document a line at a time, count leading spaces on each line

' Start by selecting the first line
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
Selection.MoveEnd wdLine
boolDone = EndOfDocument

' Set range to start of the current line
Set rngWhiteSpace = Selection.Range
rngWhiteSpace.Collapse wdCollapseStart

' Count consecutive number of spaces and tabs
lngLeadingsSpaces = rngWhiteSpace.MoveWhile(" " & vbTab, wdForward)
Debug.Print lngLeadingsSpaces

' Select next line
Selection.Move wdLine, 1
Selection.MoveEnd wdLine
Loop Until boolDone
End Sub
Private Function EndOfDocument() As Boolean
EndOfDocument = Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal And Selection.End = _
End Function

I've just stuck in a Debug statement where you can count
the leading number of white space

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