A SharePoint list/libary has a "Date Created" column where the date is
stored. So you can create a data connection to the library where the forms
are stored and make sure to select that "Created" column from the list of
columns. Then you can use the count() function in a rule together with an
XPath filter on the Created attribute to count the amount of forms that were
created on the current day.
Thank you for your reply.
The XPath that was generated in InfoPath looks like this:
count(xdXDocument:GetDOM("Retrieve File Count")/dfs:myFields/
dfs:dataFields/dfs:Orders/@Created[. = xdDate:Today()])
However, it only returns zero to Infopath. regardless of the number of
entries in the library (there are currently two files that have been
The way that the system works is that each person may only create one
file per day (the filename is [UserName]-[Today()] (e.g.
ZenMonkey-2008-01-09).) If someone creates a new infopath file when
they already have one for the day, it overwrites their current file.
Previously, I had tried using the filename [UserName]-[Now()], which
created multiple files as expected. When that happened, InfoPath
returned the count for the files I created, but did not include the
count for the other users.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?