Counting unique entries in column A but only if specific values appear in columns B and C



Hello everybody,

I've found recently a very useful formula on Chip Pearson's page
( dealing with "counting unique
entries in a range". I think the best one for my special case would be the
one for "no text / no string" values, i.e.

=SUM(N(FREQUENCY(Range, Range)>0))

From this point, I'm trying to elaborate a bit on this by adding two
conditions in order to get something like:

"Count unique entries in a specific (f. ex. A) column, but only if in column
B we have a value = 555 (number) and in column C we have a value = XYZ

I would like to avoid "filter, copy and paste" solution...

Till this point, I was unable to find a correct solution by myself. At one
point I've thought about passing through SUMPRODUCT, but with no success.
Maybe one of you have already had such a problem? Do you see how to resolve
Thanks a lot for any comment or hint!


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