Counting unique values



Trying to count how many customers there were in 2006 only vs. 2007 only vs.
2006 & 2007.

Data's set up with Customer ID and Year columns, so if a customer is part of
both 2006 and 2007, then there would be two separate rows (one for each year).

Any suggestions?

Roger Govier


=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000),--(B1:B1000) ) for 2006
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000),--(C1:C1000)) for 2007
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000),--(B1:B1000),--(C1:C1000)) for both years


Trying to count how many customers there were in 2006 only vs. 2007 only vs.
2006 & 2007.

Data's set up with Customer ID and Year columns, so if a customer is partof
both 2006 and 2007, then there would be two separate rows (one for each year).

Any suggestions?

Use the Count function

=COUNT(C1:C2) - based of a sort of 2006 C1:C2 = Cell Range
=COUNT(C1:C2) - based of a sort of 2007 C1:C2 = Cell Range
=COUNT(C1:C2) - based of a sort of 2006 & 2007 C1:C2 = Cell Range


I think I may have described the situation too vaguely.

In column A (let's say), I have Customer IDs. And in column B, I have Year
(either 2006 or 2007).

Therefore, a Customer ID that's in both 2006 and 2007 ends up with an entry
in two rows (one for 2006 and one for 2007).

How do I count how many Customer IDs show up for only 2006 vs. only 2007 vs.
both 2006 and 2007?

Roger Govier


Since the Year is held in column B, (I had thought one year was in B and 1
in C), then use
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000),--(B1:B1000=2006) ) for 2006
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000),--(B1:B1000)=2007 ) for 2007
=SUMPRODUCT(--(A1:A1000)*(B1:B1000=2006)+(B1:B1000=2007)) for 2006&2007

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