Counting Values in a list


Tony Brooks

I have a list of 7766 text strings in an excel sheet. I would like to
count the frequency of each string and create a new table.

For example, had....

Hamster my list, I'd like to produce a table

Cat 2
Dog 2
Hamster 3
Horse 1

The problem is my list has almost 8000 entries and about 4000
varieties of animal. The strings also aren't words (animals). I have
managed to filter the list to remove duplicates and placed them in a
new column. I then used COUNTIF to count how many time each value in
that column appears in the original column, however, some cells are
giving a #VALUE error and some are fine. I have no idea why.
Could I do this by Pivot table?

Luke M

Yes, a PivotTable would be the way to go. Assuming the different types are in
a column labeled "Names" you could put Names into the Row area and also into
the Data area, and do a count.

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