I've had a look through the forums, but can't seem to find out how to d
I'm setting up a digital register for my local school, in access.
Currently I have a linked table, with a student ID, from the schoo
I also have a table that is storing the register, there is a wee
commencing field, a monday am, monday pm, tuesday am...
this is linked to each student by an studentId field which matches th
ID field in the student database
The absence codes are stored in another table. This has 3 fields:
Absence code, isAbsence, and isAuthorised.
What I need to do is get a count per pupil, of total half day
present(isAbsence = false) .
Total half days absent(isAbsence = true)
and the total half days those absences were unauthorised(isAuthorised
I then need to calculate %ages from total Half days, how many wer
absent, and the %age unauthorised.
I would if possible also like to be able to restrict the date range i
counts over, to between values, set in a seperate table, calle
TermDates, with term start and end dates in it.
Thanks in advance for any hel
I'm setting up a digital register for my local school, in access.
Currently I have a linked table, with a student ID, from the schoo
I also have a table that is storing the register, there is a wee
commencing field, a monday am, monday pm, tuesday am...
this is linked to each student by an studentId field which matches th
ID field in the student database
The absence codes are stored in another table. This has 3 fields:
Absence code, isAbsence, and isAuthorised.
What I need to do is get a count per pupil, of total half day
present(isAbsence = false) .
Total half days absent(isAbsence = true)
and the total half days those absences were unauthorised(isAuthorised
I then need to calculate %ages from total Half days, how many wer
absent, and the %age unauthorised.
I would if possible also like to be able to restrict the date range i
counts over, to between values, set in a seperate table, calle
TermDates, with term start and end dates in it.
Thanks in advance for any hel