Jake said:
I am Working with range A1:A15. I would like to count how many times the
value (w) appears in this range. The formula would be in A16
Thank for your help
Put this data in A1:A15:
down, DOWN, now, NOW, w, W, win, WIN, wow, WOW, www, WWW, AAA, BBB, CCC
Put w in B1. Depending upon what you want, use one of the formulas below (make
sure to commit the array-formulas with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER).
1. Exact case as entire cell value (result = 1)
*** array-formula ***
2. Either case as entire cell value (result = 2)
3. Starting with exact case (result = 4)
*** array-formula ***
4. Contains exact case (result = 6)
*** array-formula ***
5. Starting with either case (result = 8)
*** array-formula ***
6. Total occurrences of exact case (result = 9)
*** array-formula ***
7. Contains either case (result = 12)
8. Total occurrences of either case (result = 18)
*** array-formula ***