I'm banging my head to the wall with the following simple problem.
I have loads of data in a range. The data contain values between 0 and
50. I want to count with one function the number of values between 20
and 50. I know I can use
=COUNTIF(E:E,20)+COUNTIF(E:E,21)+COUNTIF(E:E,22)+... but it's not very
handy. Are there any better ways of accomplishing the same? Naturally,
=COUNTIF(E:E,">20") does not do it as it searches for entries with
">20", and without quotes it is not even possible to enter the
Thanks in advance,
I'm banging my head to the wall with the following simple problem.
I have loads of data in a range. The data contain values between 0 and
50. I want to count with one function the number of values between 20
and 50. I know I can use
=COUNTIF(E:E,20)+COUNTIF(E:E,21)+COUNTIF(E:E,22)+... but it's not very
handy. Are there any better ways of accomplishing the same? Naturally,
=COUNTIF(E:E,">20") does not do it as it searches for entries with
">20", and without quotes it is not even possible to enter the
Thanks in advance,