Courses Record



Where can I get a database that will record training courses. Any advise
will be useful and gratfully accepted.

Roger Carlson

The question is a little broad, on my website (,
is a small Access database sample called "TrainingRegistration.mdb" which is
an example of a database application to schedule training classes. However,
be advised that the sample is designed as a teaching example and if the
particulars of your situation do not exactly match the program, you'd have
to do some modification. But it should get you started.

--Roger Carlson
MS Access MVP
Access Database Samples:
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I have a training courses database in Access2002/2003 I could modify for
what you need and send it to you for a very reasonable fee. If you are
interested, contact me at my email address below.

PC Datasheet
Providing Customers A Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word
(e-mail address removed)

Roger Carlson


While my sample is entirely free, and that I will also answer reasonable
questions about how it works for free, I will not undertake to modify it to
your specific requirements under any circumstances. I do not consult.

The philosophy behind my samples is that a reasonably adept Access user
(based on the user level indicated on the sample) should be able to tear the
teaching sample apart to see how it works and thereby apply that knowledge
to their own circumstances.

John Marshall, MVP

You really know how to demonstrate your professionalism, by flaunting the
rules for these newsgroups.

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support,
not as a location for some script kiddier to sell his snake oil.

John... Visio MVP

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