Thanks for the quick reply. I thought that multiplying by n/n-1 would be the
best. I was wondering because I am teaching a beginning statistics class and
we are using Excel as a tool for calculations. I know that it is going to be
difficult for the students to learn new material, and learn Excel formulas at
the same time. I just hope that they don't get too confused when I tell then
that they need to adjust just this one formula. Regardless, thanks for your
prompt reply.
As you've discovered, XL's statistics functions are inconsistent and
have been historically suspect, though they've improved much in the last
2 versions.
XL is NOT a good stats package - there are lots of others out there.
PLEASE don't tell your students that they "need to adjust just this one
formula". Tell them they need to test and understand EVERY formula that
they use.
The BEST thing you can impart to your students, and something that I
don't see reflected out in the workplace, is that XL is simply a tool,
and, like all other tools, you need to be careful that you understand
how it works.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth among my clients when it was
discovered that the ATP Histogram/ANOVA/etc. wizards were not in XL08
was phenomenal, and depressing, to watch.
I made a casual suggestion to one of the first to complain that they
simply create one from scratch, since the ATP wizard just automated the
built-in functions anyway.
From the look she gave me, you'd have thought I had two heads!
I've since found that nearly everyone who's complained DOESN'T KNOW HOW
TO CREATE A HISTOGRAM, even conceptually!
Some of these people are making serious business and public policy
decisions, affecting lots of money and their own and other people's
jobs, simply trusting that "if XL gives an answer, it must be right".
It's this ignorance of the underlying theory that leads to utterly bad
decisions in so many areas.