Cover Pages from Elements Gallery cannot beedited & info from properties won't appear



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have just tried to incorporate a cover page from the Elements Gallery into the beginning of a document but I am having several problems, and, having followed instructions, it seems the software is not working as it should.

Firstly, according to the tuition video on the Mactopia website, if I have entered information such as a document's title, author, company name, etc, in the properties table (opened via the File tab) then this information should automatically appear in the correct field on the new cover page when one is opened. I have entered the required information in properties, but whatever cover page from the Gallery I try this information will not appear on the cover page when it is opened.

Also, on some of the cover pages it is not possible to manually enter this information. For instance, the first cover page available in the Gallery (with the blue title band against a white background), I can manually enter the document title, but not the author name or abstract.

Any advice or action from Microsoft on rectifying this problem would be greatly appreciated, as it is otherwise a very useful feature.


Hello Ezekial -

It sounds like things aren't working there as they are here, but since they
do work here it suggests that a local issue is at play there :)

What are your exact update levels of Office & OS X - they should be at
12.1.5 & 10.5.6 respectively. If necessary apply the updates & also run Disk
Utility - Repair Disk Permissions [regardless of whether any updating was
necessary]. If you continue to have the problem with the Properties being
read we'll have to look a little deeper.

As for directly editing the placeholders, well, they can be a little
cantankerous & aren't always consistent - let alone intuitive. If you have
trouble clicking in one try moving your pointer to locate the edge of the
bounding box holding the content. A blue border will show up & the
appearance of your pointer will change when you're on that edge.
Control/Right-Click it, then select the Edit Text command in the contextual
menu. You should then be able to work within the placeholder.

BTW - You won't get "advice or action" from MS here. That isn't what the
newsgroups are for :) Those who patrol here are just other users who
volunteer their time & whatever "expertise" to assisting other users.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Many thanks for your response Bob. That was a very useful tip about the cursor/blue border/right click method – and that has indeed made things much easier to edit.

However, I still have the problem with the auto-filling of info from properties on cover page, so if you have any more suggestions on resolving this particular issue I'd be very grateful.

I have checked that I'm all up to date with the versions you specify,and I have run permissions repair about 8 times ['Permissions Verify' mostly keeps coming up with the same items over & over again to do with iPhoto, I-tunes & Front Row. The only items not obviously to do with Aplle apps that might conceivably be to do with MS Office are the following:

Warning: SUID file "System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Resources/runner" has been modified and will not be repaired.
Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/setregion" has been modified and will not be repaired.
Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/setregion" has been modified and will not be repaired.
Group differs on "private/etc/cups", should be 0, group is 26.
Permissions differ on "private/var/spool/cups/cache/rss", should be drwxr-xr-x , they are drwxrwxr-x .


I think you may be expecting just the *opposite* of how it works :)

The fields in File> Properties receive data from the editable fields in the
document as well as what's recorded in Word> Preferences> User Information,
but it isn't a 2-way channel of communication. IOW, the Properties do not
populate the document, the document populates the Properties.

As for disk permissions, "Verify" is basically a waste of time unless you're
doing some sort of diagnostic analysis or have specific reason to *not* want
to have permissions repaired. For the typical user situation just run the
"Repair" routine as "Verify" does nothing corrective.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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