Covert Outlook's Menu to a Ribbon also!



It didn't take long for the ribbons to grow on my in Word and Excel 2007. It
really makes the features of the program a lot more accessible.

Please do the same in Outlook! Right now it's just the same kind of menu.
Just for all the different viewing options alone it would be so handy to have
in Outlook.

10,586 days

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Patrick Schmid

Hi Tim,

As Ben said, it won't happen. Outlook actually has 10+ ribbons and
Microsoft had to invest a huge amount of effort into every single one.
They just didn't have the time or resources to give Outlook's main
window a ribbon as well. This will have to wait for Office 14 (MS is
skipping #13).

Patrick Schmid


Wow! Thank you both for the reply and the speediness.

As I start using this beta more (just migrated 25k messages from OE), I'm
noticing the additional ribbons.

So, maybe by 2010 we'll have that last first-seen ribbon in place for
Outlook! :)

Thanks for all your hard work on Office. Dramatic improvements.

10,586 days

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