CPU Usage - Generating Word 2003 docs from RoboHelp X5



This is an answer to a question I had... Thank you to Cooz for solving my
problem. I wanted to share this for RoboHelp users, also.

If you have generated a fair-sized document through RoboHelp, and you are
having problems with your CPU usage pegging out around 100%, bouncing up and
down between 50% and 100%, the page repainting as you scroll through the
document, etc., this solution is for you!

I am using RoboHelp X5 to generate large Word documents (2003). This
solution worked perfect for me. The problem is with document corruption,
apparently. After you have generated your Word document and opened the
document, be sure to display the paragraph marks. You will probably see the
“]†mark at or near the end of the document. Select your entire document,
except for the final paragraph mark, making sure to exclude this symbol, and
copy everything else. Open a blank Word document and paste this content into
the new document.

You will now need to reattach your template (.dot) file for the generated
document through Tools/Templates and Addins:

1. Locate the applicable document template and attach it (it's typically in
the base generated project directory in RoboHelp - .dot file). Click the OK
button to save.
2. Return to Tools/Templates and Addins. Click the Organizer button to
display the Styles tab.
3. In the right-hand list (In Normal.dot), Close the Normal.dot file
4. Open the same RoboHelp .dot template as you selected previously.
4. Select all of the styles once they display in the right pane and click
the <<Copy button to copy them all over to the document template. Confirm
that you want to replace all styles in the document.
5. Close the menu using the Close button. The dialog closes and your styles
should all be updated, if your styles were set up appropriately via template
and style sheet settings.

You may need to also adjust the Page Setup page width settings, if necessary.

Good luck!

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