CPU Usage Shoots To 100% ...


David York

Hi. I just started participating in the Office System 2007 Beta and I LOVE
it! Anyhow, I couldn't find a place to report bugs so I'm using this form.
And it may not even be a bug, but for some reason when I'm in Publisher
working on a flyer everything is great until my computer becomes idle for
about 30 seconds. As soon as the computer realizes no user activity is
happening, the CPU usage shoots to 100% and stays there until activity is
resumed. Just moving the mouse will cause it to drop down to normal again.
Weird. As long as your working on your computer it is fine, but if you stop
and Publisher is open, it takes 100% every time. I can see this in the Task
Manager if I leave it open and wait. This could be a quirk with my system
but I haven't experienced this before with the Publisher 2003 I was using. I
need to do more testing, but it could also have something to do with an IE
browser window open simultaneously (even minimized and in the background.)

Well, hope that is helpful. Thanx for continue to provide quality products
/ applications that truly make a difference in people's business and personal

David York
(e-mail address removed)

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Ed Bennett

David York said:
when I'm in Publisher working on a flyer everything is great until my
computer becomes idle for about 30 seconds. As soon as the computer
realizes no user activity is happening, the CPU usage shoots to 100%
and stays there until activity is resumed.

It sounds like some kind of indexing service. I think one might be included
with Office 2007, or at least recommended be installed when you run Outlook
for the first time. These tend to index your hard drive when your computer
is idle, so they don't affect your work. The only problem is when you've
left a processor-intensive task and it's being adversely affected by it.
And also when you're on a notebook, and it causes your fan to spin out of
control and be irritating.


I have a similar problem with W2K3 Server:
I have some mspub.exe running for as a service different users (don't ask),
and sometimes these processes are sitting there at 0% CPU (as they should be)
but sometimes for no apparent reason one (or more) or the mspub.exe will
start consuming all of the "Idle" CPU so that the CPU is pegged at 100% and
most of the CPU percentage is allocated to these mspub.exe tasks ... which
should just be sitting there.

The machine is plenty responsive but we need (don't ask) to not have the CPU
be at 100% unless there is actual work being done -- which these mspub.exe
are not doing.

Anybody know why the mspub.exe are spinning like this, and how to get them
to stop?

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