crappy office software


Thanks for the nice range of replies,

it's fun to get under someone elses skin...
i spend my life troubleshooting office for
a wide network of friends and relatives.

anyway- my work around was just to
type @blah<tab>vjjbhfdjdf
in notepad, pasted to excel,
and bless excel, because it was multiple cells
- it didn't mind,
then i just deleted the crap in the next cell

anyway - hope i didn't offend anyone,
excel and notepad are the 2 tools that
justify the existance of the M$ beast...

l8rs Bob

Richard Choate

Dear Mr. Crappy,
You don't need Notepad to accomplish your goal. Just more knowledge. How can
you possibly help other people with a program you know so little about?
There were several simple solutions to the problem you wrote about, and none
of them included opening a second program. Do you always deem a program
crappy before you know whether it is or not? As far as spreadsheets go, I
don't know anybody who honestly thinks there is a more robust program
available than Excel. There are good issues to complain about with Microsoft
and the Office suite, but the quality of the program isn't one of them.
R Choate

Thanks for the nice range of replies,

it's fun to get under someone elses skin...
i spend my life troubleshooting office for
a wide network of friends and relatives.

anyway- my work around was just to
type @blah<tab>vjjbhfdjdf
in notepad, pasted to excel,
and bless excel, because it was multiple cells
- it didn't mind,
then i just deleted the crap in the next cell

anyway - hope i didn't offend anyone,
excel and notepad are the 2 tools that
justify the existance of the M$ beast...

l8rs Bob

Richard Choate

Don't waste your time here. This person doesn't want any help and never did.

Tim Zych said:
and bless excel, because it was multiple cells
- it didn't mind,
then i just deleted the crap in the next cell

Yeah, but now try to edit it(F2) and then press Enter. As
long as you don't expect to ever change the value, your
way will work.

I'd stick with the apostrophe, or possibly formatting the
cell as text. If the cell is formatted as text, Excel
won't try to evaluate the contents.


thanks tim.

richard... blow me
Richard Choate said:
Don't waste your time here. This person doesn't want any help and never did.

Yeah, but now try to edit it(F2) and then press Enter. As
long as you don't expect to ever change the value, your
way will work.

I'd stick with the apostrophe, or possibly formatting the
cell as text. If the cell is formatted as text, Excel
won't try to evaluate the contents.

Tim Otero

My guess is you've had a lot of practice having guys blow you, thus the


You would not believe the the things men have put in my ass over the years..

any way just to clear up a few things..
I generally know my onions with office - but not lotus,
This is the first time i have constructed a virtusertable in excel...
so the first time i have started cell content with the @ symbol.

as for those of you who seem to think that knowledge of excel
is the zenith of techie know-how... get a grip

The original querie was not the act of a troll, but more of a frustrated man
[ not enough things in my ass ??? ]

The comments about the frustration of learning amuse me as
the only new things i learn about excel these days are how to
turn off the plethora of new wizards help that stop me using it
without interuption..

Any way, thank you all for your input,
I'm suprised thatthe first post wasn't deleted.
I'll kick any of you arses

PS : Nice troll pic - Norwegen troll ?
[norway is in northern England for the benefit of any americans reading]


The original querie was not the act of a troll, but more of a frustrated

That very well may be. But you should have realized the possibility that
there might be more than a handful of people here, that not only like Office
(Excel in particular) but are enthusiastic about it.

If you're sincere about getting assistance, you greatly increase your
chances if you don't use words like "crappy office software" and "sack of
crap". Most people will take you as a troll and ignore you.

You know... Flies, honey, vinegar?

My 2¢


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