AppName winword.exe Appversion: 11.0.8125.0 AppStamp45b6910c ModName:
ntdll.dll ModVer: 5.0.2195.7006 ModStamp: 41e648e0 fDebug:0 Offset 0004ae88
Above is the error I am recieving whenever I try to print using Word 2003 on
Win2000. They are both completely updated and running the error report does
didly squat. If you can help please reply to (e-mail address removed)
ntdll.dll ModVer: 5.0.2195.7006 ModStamp: 41e648e0 fDebug:0 Offset 0004ae88
Above is the error I am recieving whenever I try to print using Word 2003 on
Win2000. They are both completely updated and running the error report does
didly squat. If you can help please reply to (e-mail address removed)