Create 3 levels of linked option groups in form




I have been using an Access switchboard which has grown too complex to
manage (some 30 screens)!
I have replaced this with a form containing 2 sets of linked option group
The main Option group has 10 toggle buttons each of which then calls up to
10 SubOption buttons. This works fine.
However, I can't access all switchboard items from these 2 option groups.
I now want to create a third option group (RightOptions) which is called
from the SubOptions group where necessary.

For example: MainOptions has a Payments button
SubOptions for Payments includes buttons to enter payments, view payments
history, backup payments table etc. I also want to include buttons to open
various Finance Office reports, Student Payment reports & Student Costs
These would go in the Right Options group.

I can't see how to code the Right Options group

Is this possible? Or is there an easier way?


Although I do not understand the specifics of your problem to give you better
advice, if you look at and #12
this gives you code for creating switchboards which can become very complex.
It is in Access 2000, but will convert well to XP or 2003.

Please let me know if I can provide more assistance.



I've seen Helen's code before & like all her info its very good ... but its
not relevant to my question.

Imagine a column of toggle buttons (1-10) in Main Option group.
Each of these opens one of 10 toggle buttons in column 2.
Call these 101-110 (opened by toggle button 1); 201-210 (opened by toggle
button 2) etc. Same buttons but using Select Case code.
Each of these opens a form or report (so far all working fine) or... this is
the tricky bit...opens a toggle button in column 3. For example toggle button
103 needs to open up to 5 toggle buttons (1031-1035) in column 3 each with
its own specific function.

I'm stuck on getting column 2 buttons to control column 3 buttons.
Does that make it clearer ... or more confusing?
I have already coded all this but nothing happens in column 3
The code is written but is probably much too long to include here...

Any ideas?

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