Create a Calender in Access Database


uncle flamin

Hi all,
I used to know how to do this once, but alas, i have been slack in the last
3 years or so.
how do i create a calender in Access. When i create a new form and attempt
to insert the calender control my database immeditely freezes, then i get the
usual and very annoying access know how it goes.

What i would like the calender control to do is show jobs i have for a
particular day/date in my business database.(there are a number of other
filtered information ideas i would also like to use this calender control for

Arvin Meyer [MVP]


uncle flamin

thanks Arvin. Trouble is the first link you sent me causes access to
immediately crash(same problem as when i attempt to use accesses own calender
control and insert it on a form) i will try the others and get back to you.

uncle flamin

Nah ive tried the other links and get the same problem. as soon as i attempt
to run the calender it causes access to crash.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

All 3 of them require code to be added before they are run, so try and
open/run the databases as they are downloaded to see if they crash. Since
all 3 of them have been tested and used for years on many different
computers, I'd say you have a corruption problem in your database, or that
you have an older database and are trying to insert a later version.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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