I come back here for another problem (one more sorry), i follow your
advices and use intensively the msdn reference to work but i am
I "translate" a vbscript script which is working very well to
lotusscript (which are very similar)
the vbscript's one worked pretty good but not the lotusscript one,
datas are good, there are not the problem.
but in html page the office component launch but the charts are not
builded (image to illustrate this :
http://pix.nofrag.com/09/9b/2662a36b515451f08b354d3b6e50.html at left
the lotusscript at right the vbscript)
here is the code :
VB :
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto erreur
Dim strCat As String
Dim strVal As String
Set s = New notessession
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set contextDoc = s.DocumentContext
docUNID = getQueryVal(contextDoc.Query_String_Decoded(0),"docUNID")
Set queryDoc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(docUNID)
strVal = "Array("
For i=0 To Ubound(queryDoc.Expr2 )
strVal = strVal +|"|+Format$(queryDoc.Expr2(i))+|",|
strVal = Left$(strVal,Len(strVal)-1)
strVal = strVal +")"
strCat = "Array("
For i=0 To Ubound(queryDoc.Expr2 )
strCat = strCat +|"|+Format$(queryDoc.COUNTRY_NAME(i))+|",|
strCat = Left$(strCat,Len(strCat)-1)
strCat = strCat +")"
Print |<html>|
Print |<body>|
Print |<object classid="clsid:0002E556-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
id="ChartSpace1" style="width:100%;"></object>|
Print |</body>|
Print |<script language="vbscript">|
Print |Function Window_OnLoad()|
Print |Set c = ChartSpace1.Constants|
Print |Set oCht = ChartSpace1.Charts.Add|
Print |Set oSer = oCht.SeriesCollection.Add|
Print |oSer.SetData c.chDimCategories, -1, |+strCat+||
Print |oSer.SetData c.chDimValues, -1, |+strVal+||
Print |oSer.Interior.Color = "green"|
Print |End Function|
Print |</script>|
Print |</html>|
Exit Sub
Print Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " at line " + Cstr(Erl)
Exit Sub
End Sub
And the LS :
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto erreur
Dim login As String
Dim password As String
Dim UDLPath As String
Set s = New notessession
Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
Set contextDoc = s.DocumentContext
docUNID = getQueryVal(contextDoc.Query_String_Decoded(0),"docUNID")
Set queryDoc = db.GetDocumentByUNID(docUNID)
originQuery = queryDoc.qQuery(0)
SQLQuery = queryDoc.inWorkQuery(0)
If SQLQuery="" Then
SQLQuery = originQuery
End If
login = queryDoc.qLogin(0)
password = queryDoc.qPassword(0)
UDLPath = queryDoc.qUDLPath(0)
orderBy = queryDoc.orderBy(0)
sortBy = queryDoc.sortBy(0)
Set cn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Call cn.open("File Name="+UDLPath+"",login,password)
Set Result = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Result.Open SQLQuery, cn
Dim strCat As Variant
Dim strVal As Variant
strCat = queryDoc.COUNTRY_NAME
strVal = queryDoc.Expr2
Dim ChartSpace1,c,cht,sc
Set ChartSpace1 = CreateObject("OWC11.ChartSpace")
With ChartSpace1
Set c = .Constants
Set cht = .Charts.Add()
cht.Type = c.chChartTypeColumnClustered
cht.SetData c.chDimSeriesNames, c.chDataLiteral, "test"
cht.SetData c.chDimCategories,c.chDataLiteral, strCat
cht.SeriesCollection(0).SetData c.chDimValues,c.chDataLiteral,
End With
Print {Content-Type:text/html}
Print |<html>|
Print |<head>|
Print |<title>|+queryDoc.qTitle(0)+|</title>|
Print |<body>|
Print |<object classid="clsid:0002E556-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
id="ChartSpace1" style="width:100%;"></object>|
Print |</body>|
Print |</html>|
Exit Sub
Print Cstr(Err) + " : " + Error$ + " at line " + Cstr(Erl)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Where is the problem ??? i m desperate... thanks for helping