I created a shared add-in for Word (Word 2003) where in I added a custom
toolbar with a couple of buttons in it. These buttons brings up some custom
windows forms from my application. Is it possible to show a context menu on
the right click event of any word document (something on the lines of menus
like Fonts/Paragraph/Synonyms) to call these custom forms (perform the same
button click event as its available from the toolbar)? If yes, how or any
pointers will be much appreciated. I am developing this addin with .NET v1.1,
Word 2003.
I created a shared add-in for Word (Word 2003) where in I added a custom
toolbar with a couple of buttons in it. These buttons brings up some custom
windows forms from my application. Is it possible to show a context menu on
the right click event of any word document (something on the lines of menus
like Fonts/Paragraph/Synonyms) to call these custom forms (perform the same
button click event as its available from the toolbar)? If yes, how or any
pointers will be much appreciated. I am developing this addin with .NET v1.1,
Word 2003.