As a newbie I'm having trouble trying to develop a unique envelope mailing
routine. I want to list First Name, Surname followed by Married Name if
married and a female. Using Word 2003 I have set up a Excel database with
the fields; Fname, Lname, S_Lname and Sex (M or F) to test on. I am unble to
get my syntax correct in the MERGEFIELD area to accompolish this feature and
seeking assistance to help me. Would someone give the exact syntax I would
Thank you very much in advance.
routine. I want to list First Name, Surname followed by Married Name if
married and a female. Using Word 2003 I have set up a Excel database with
the fields; Fname, Lname, S_Lname and Sex (M or F) to test on. I am unble to
get my syntax correct in the MERGEFIELD area to accompolish this feature and
seeking assistance to help me. Would someone give the exact syntax I would
Thank you very much in advance.