i am thinking of creating a database with a "Questions" table which
will include question text, display type (radio button, check box etc)
and page number.
user will specify it. eg :
Question, display, page
Name, TEXTBOX, Page 1
Gender, Radio Button, Page 1
Time you eat, TEXTBOX, Page 2
Time you sleep, TEXTBOX Page 2
then, by running a wizard or program, based on this, it will create 2
Page1, Page2 with a common key and then generate 2 forms for data entry
based on the display type selected.
May i know what is the best way to do this and i wish someone can share
with me how to create my own wizard for some common tasks.
Thank you
Boon Yiang
i am thinking of creating a database with a "Questions" table which
will include question text, display type (radio button, check box etc)
and page number.
user will specify it. eg :
Question, display, page
Name, TEXTBOX, Page 1
Gender, Radio Button, Page 1
Time you eat, TEXTBOX, Page 2
Time you sleep, TEXTBOX Page 2
then, by running a wizard or program, based on this, it will create 2
Page1, Page2 with a common key and then generate 2 forms for data entry
based on the display type selected.
May i know what is the best way to do this and i wish someone can share
with me how to create my own wizard for some common tasks.
Thank you
Boon Yiang