create a form in Word for my lease document


JM Attero

I am a landlord, and have a few properties. I use the same lease for each
property. I would like to make my lease such that I can go to a form, enter
the changing information (lessee name, property address, rental amount, etc),
and then have Word enter the information from the form onto the Lease
document in Word. In other words, my lease is 13 pages long, but is exactly
the same for each property. I am tired of going through each page and
manually typing the information in each space. Some of the information is
repeated a few times in the lease, so I currently have to enter it multiple
times. Is there a way to do this, and can someone point me to an example?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See "Please Fill Out This Form"

Part 1: Create professional looking forms in Word

Part 2: Adding Automation to your Word forms.

Part 3: Learn more VBA (macros) to automate your forms.

Part 4: Use custom dialog boxes in your Word forms

Part 5: Connect your AutoForm to a database to save input time and keep
better records!

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

JM Attero

THanks for the reply. I intend to try and accomplish what is stated in those
links, but I still have a question. Can I do this with my EXISTING lease? In
other words, I would like to make my lease the form, and the "fill in the
blanks" areas on my lease be automated so I can fill out a form which will
then distribute the correct information to the correct areas of the lease. I
would then like to save that copy of the lease, and print it out. Something
like "Lease for 123 Main Street - John Doe". I would like to do this save
without altering the original template. Then, when the next tenant comes
along, I would like to open the Lease Template, and fill in the data for Tom
Smith at 456 Main Street. Will the links you provided me allow me to do this?

Charles Kenyon

Yes. Make your form a template, create new documents based on the template.
If a protected form is too much for you, you may want to look at: How can I
enter something once in a document and have it repeat elsewhere?

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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