When I enter a plate # into one field, I need that number to be recorded into
another field, and saved. That way all of the previous plate #'s are saved,
and I can change the operational plate #. Any ideas? I have a table that has
all of my criteria in it. ie. Name address, plate #, and previous plate #'s.
I set up a form to record the information easily, and I have a report that
displays all of the entered information. What I would like to happen is every
time I enter a plate number into the plate# field, I want that plate number
to appear in the previous plate # field. Then when I delete the origional
Plate #, I want that number to stay in the previous plate # field. That way
I can have a "History" of the plate numbers, and the current plate number
another field, and saved. That way all of the previous plate #'s are saved,
and I can change the operational plate #. Any ideas? I have a table that has
all of my criteria in it. ie. Name address, plate #, and previous plate #'s.
I set up a form to record the information easily, and I have a report that
displays all of the entered information. What I would like to happen is every
time I enter a plate number into the plate# field, I want that plate number
to appear in the previous plate # field. Then when I delete the origional
Plate #, I want that number to stay in the previous plate # field. That way
I can have a "History" of the plate numbers, and the current plate number