Create a new Sheet Q



The following is an extract of some code that creates a new sheet
after the activesheet. How could I tweak to insert this new sheet
after the sheet called "Start" - this sheet called Start is actual
just to the right of the active sheet, to the new sheet I wish to
create will now be to the right of the sheet called "Start" and thus 2
sheets to the right of the active sheet


If SheetExists(newShtName) Then
MsgBox "You have already created this week.If you have made an
error, delete the week sheet tab and e-mail again", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveSheet.Copy after:=ActiveSheet
ActiveSheet.Name = newShtName
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = -4142

The Code Cage Team

If SheetExists(newShtName) Then
MsgBox "You have already created this week.If you have made an
error, delete the week sheet tab and e-mail again", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveSheet.Copy after:=Sheets("Start")
ActiveSheet.Name = newShtName
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = -4142

The Code Cage Team

The Code Cage Team

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