Create a new telephone field to be selected when entering contact



Want to create a new heading which can be selected when entering telephone
number types in Contacts
eg where Business, Home, Mobile can be selected when entering numbers, I
want a heading of Speed Dials

Have gone into View-Arrange By-Current View-Customise define a
new text field but can't work out how to access this field when entering
Contact details

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha Suza,

You didn't specify what version of Outlook you're using but that's o.k.,
because in this doesn't matter. You can't alter the pre-defined
set of phone number fields.

What you have are two basic options - one easy, one elegant.

The easy one is to pick some other phone number field that you don't expect
to use like "Telex" maybe and just make that the Speed Dials field. You
can't change the label though, you'll just have to remember that "Telex=Speed

The elegant solution would involve customizing the Contact Form and adding
your custom text field to it. That's somewhat harder, and ultimately it's
still going to be a separate field on the form and not one of the official
phone number fields, but with some effort you could probably fake it so that
it looks reasonably close to what you want.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
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