I have a form that has those following fields: OwnerName, Title,
ProposalDate, AwardDate, Amount, DueDate, EstimatedAwardDate and
i need to create a report that will display the dates in those controls
labeled ProposalDate, AwardDate, Amount) with the following conditions:
if ProposalDate is null then put the value of DueDate in the field
proposalDate on the report
if AwardDate is null then put the value of EstimatedAwardDate in the field
Award date on the report.
if Amount is null then put the value of EstimatedAmount in the field Amount
on the report.
it does not sound difficult but for some reasons i'm having a hard time to
do that.
Thank you in advance for any help.
ProposalDate, AwardDate, Amount, DueDate, EstimatedAwardDate and
i need to create a report that will display the dates in those controls
labeled ProposalDate, AwardDate, Amount) with the following conditions:
if ProposalDate is null then put the value of DueDate in the field
proposalDate on the report
if AwardDate is null then put the value of EstimatedAwardDate in the field
Award date on the report.
if Amount is null then put the value of EstimatedAmount in the field Amount
on the report.
it does not sound difficult but for some reasons i'm having a hard time to
do that.
Thank you in advance for any help.