create a rollover in a web page



i created a rollover object by macromed.fireworks and insert it like picture
in publisher,but in web page preview the rollover do not work?


You will have to use the insert html code fragment tool to insert probably
some javascript to make it work. Google for "image rollover javascript" of
something similar to find a script that does what you want to do.



once you get an image rollover thing how do you get the pictures to show up.
When I put the picture name outside of publisher it works fine, but when I
bring the code into publisher it shows up just the same, but the picture
spots show a little red X in the top left corner.


You need to upload the images to a separate sub folder on your site, say
"images" ,and write the path in your script to where you upload the images.
You should also resize to fit the space on your Pub doc and optimize those
images before you upload them. You use a image editing program for that.
Irfanview is a freebie that works well, if you don't have one.



just so ya know they moved my question into theirs. I didn't reply to theirs
I started a new one. thanks for the help i will try it.

Mike Koewler


Not that it matters, but you probably had the question highlighted and
then hit New Message. This NG is unmoderated, though every once in a
while someone might come along a couple of days later and delete an
offensive post or spam.

If that is what you did, don't think you are the first one. I ran across
a message this guy, who has posted hundreds of messages in NGs and
should know better, posted about making changes to a county Fair's
newspaper and how to distribute it. Did he ever look like a buffoon!



If that is what you did, don't think you are the first one. I ran across a
message this guy, who has posted hundreds of messages in NGs and should
know better, posted about making changes to a county Fair's newspaper and
how to distribute it. Did he ever look like a buffoon!




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