create a workbook or worksheet listing totals from different workb



okay. i can have this 2 ways,any one of which would be okay for me. firstly,i
created this workbook that contains all my cost computation data in it, and a
worksheet in it is my main template for the rest of my items to be
created.... i can either make it as one workbook containing worksheets of all
of our product costs, or make different workbooks for different products, and
just one data/ information workbook?

now, i want to make a worksheet or workbook containing a list of all the
computed cost totals of each product (which could be from different
worksheets in a workbook, or from different workbooks)... how can i do that?

like, if i have products 1 to10, i could have a list that has a list of all
products, and their corresponding cost amounts... also, if it's possible that
once i add a new product, the list automatically updates and adds that
product to it too?

sorry, don't have a knack in programming...

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