I have been charged with writing some simple code to
1. Print a form to PDF on close,
2. take the thus created PDF file and attach it to an email message,
3. send the message,
4. delete the PDF file,
5. complete the close
Now I've run out of puff at line 2. How do I do this using the Visual Basic
language editor. I've done this thousands of times using VBA in Access but
the editor doesn't seem to recognise the Outlook reference once it is set up.
Can someone please guide a weary traveller?
1. Print a form to PDF on close,
2. take the thus created PDF file and attach it to an email message,
3. send the message,
4. delete the PDF file,
5. complete the close
Now I've run out of puff at line 2. How do I do this using the Visual Basic
language editor. I've done this thousands of times using VBA in Access but
the editor doesn't seem to recognise the Outlook reference once it is set up.
Can someone please guide a weary traveller?