Andrea said:
Is it possible to create a Custom View which will show messages
received in the last 30 days? (Like the Last 7 Days, but longer).
7 days worth is often not enough time for me to review what I want,
but all messages is too much.
Not exactly, but here's what I did:
Click Views>Arrange By>Current View>Define Views. I selected "Last Seven
Days" and clicked Copy. I named the copy "This Month" and clicked OK. I
then clicked Filter and change the drop-down in the lower right to "this
month" (it was "in the last seven days"). I clicked OK, then OK. At this
point, I decided not to click "Apply View" but you can if you want. You'll
see messages received from today back up to one month. At the beginning of
the month, you'll see only a few. Toward the end of the month, you'll see
the whole month. The "This Month" view will be available in the Views
drop-down on the Advanced toolbar or on View>Arrange By>Current View.
If you want to go back a little farther, instead of changing the "in the
last seven days" drop-down to "this month", you can change it to "anytime",
then click Advanced. Click the "Field" drop-down, select "Date/Time
Fields", then "Received". Change the "Condition" drop-down to "this month"
and click "Add to List". Click Fields>Date/TIme Fields>Received again and
change the condition to "last month". Click "Add to List" again. You'll
now have a filter that shows you at least one month and up to two months of
the most recently received messages.