Create Database from SourceSafe Project...


lan yu

SourceSafe seemed like a great solution for a team working on the same
project, but for the last couple of days I've been trying to make it work and
couldn't get a satisfactory result. I managed to create a SourceSafe database
from adp file, but I can't get it back. As far as I understand, another
developer should get his working file by clicking "Create Database from
SourceSafe Project...". I tried doing this and failed. Our database is rather
large - it has hundreds of forms and reports. During some attempts I got
messages about running out of memory, but, what's more frustrating, the
process never runs to the end. It just crashes halfway through without any
messages and closes Access. The file I get is much smaller than the original
and lots of objects are missing.

Another question - is there a way to move the file that is under SourceSafe
control to another directory? If I do it, I get the message stating that the
database was created for another location and the file was moved/renamed or

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

I've never had much luck with ADPs and SourceSafe. MDBs work better, but
occasionally, even they have problems. Multiple developers require active
and competent project management and to date, I've never found any software
that does more than aid in the process.

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